Having sound tracked the latter part of the 00’s with LCD Soundsystem, James Murphy has infamously stated recently that it may well be the end of LCD, and boo many of us cried into our skinny ties. However, this will of course give the God-like figure even more time to plough his creativity and brain into his co-owned record label DFA, on which Shit Robot belong.
This new release from DFA sees some familiar names attached to some of the tracks, most notably Hot Chip front man Alexis Taylor lending his vocal skills to the 3rd track 'Losing My Patience'. The melodic lyrics over the electronic backdrop sound like a bonus track from "One Life Stand" (not literally), and is probably one of the highlights of this impressive debut release from Shit Disco.
'I Got a Feeling' boasts a 90s disco groove with some great soul vocals over the top courtesy of Saheer Umar. Its the penultimate track of the CD, and in 8min in length you really have time to get involved in the track. At over an hour long, and only 9 tracks, there is a definite LCD feel to the production side of the cd - with long breakdowns paced between suitably arse shaking beats and basslines.
LCD Soundsystem may possibly be gone (exception: big day out 2011), though with output like this that will quickly be forgiven.
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